WeXchange 2024

October 31 and November 1| Buenos Aires, Argentina

WeXchange took place in the context of the IDB Lab Forum, the IDB Group’s innovation and technology event. The agenda included exclusive activities for women STEMpreneurs.


WeXchange Women STEMpreneurs Competition

The call for applications identified the most innovative and dynamic women entrepreneurs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in Latin America and the Caribbean to connect them with potential opportunities for access to financing. The winners pitched their businesses during IDB Lab Forum 2024.


WeXchange through video, relive the Demo Day of WeXchange 2024

Techstars Founders Catalyst Mujeres impulsado por WeXchange

Forty women founders and C-level of technology start-ups took part in this virtual pre-acceleration program to increase their chances of entering acceleration programs, receiving funding and increasing their companies’ revenues. They received training, mentorship and access to a network of entrepreneurs, mentors and partners from Techstars and IDB Lab.


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